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About Us

Barnton Silver Band rehearses every Tuesday night at:
Pickmere Village Hall, 120 Pickmere Lane, WA16 0JP


  • The band rehearsal is 7:30 - 9:30 pm 

We are a friendly, non-contesting band and are funded through concerts and other entertainment, such as fetes, carnivals, shows, donations, and grants.
Barnton Silver Band has been active in the local Barnton and Cheshire community since 1891, promoting music through concerts and performances in a variety of events.  Our players come from all walks of life and from in and around the Cheshire area.  Historically the band has represented our region in national banding events and contests.  

Highlights have included our 120th-year celebrations in 2011, welcoming the Danish brass band Baldur Ballerup to Barnton and joining us for a concert, competing in the famous Whit Friday Marches (where we won a deportment prize!), and regular support of Armistice Day and Carolling at Christmas in the local area.
Our members, aged from 8 to 80+, have a wide range of musical abilities, and we strive to offer diversity in our band ethos.

Anyone with an interest in Brass music is always welcome at rehearsals, you are guaranteed a friendly welcome.

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